To the Editor:

Andrew Krzmarzick and Bryce Freeman

Take a moment to consider the terror of being held down, brutally beaten and mutilated at the hands of eight evil individuals.

As concerned members of the Iowa State community, we are appalled by the inhumane actions that occurred with the beating of Deantrious Mitchell. This action not only stole the dignity of a fellow student, but permanently marred the face of a distinguished university. Through our experiences in campus activities, we have seen the richness that diversity of thought and culture can bring to this institution. However, many of us, as members of the majority, have been content to be passive advocates of this precious aspect of our campus community for far too long. We must not remain passive any longer.

Although eight ignorant, hateful individuals are ultimately responsible for the vile treatment of Deantrious, all students must stand accountable for this travesty. We can blame an inconsiderate administration or claim that we are simply too busy to care, but we fail to recognize that we share equally in this racial intolerance due to the lack of personal support and encouragement offered to minority students on this campus. Too often, we contrive a problem and offer no solution. Here is our proposal:

(1) The students who committed this heinous crime should no longer be members of our community. As long as they remain, fear will stand as an obstacle to trust and sincere communication. Students that fail to offer information regarding this act contribute to the hateful discord from which this situation arose.

(2) Furthermore, if we approach this as an “isolated incident” as our administration suggests, progress will not occur. Every residence hall floor, every greek chapter and every off-campus residence must engage in discourse and action that seeks to eliminate the uncomfortable atmosphere that has resulted from ignorance and disinterest.

(3) We all boast of busy schedules, but how many of us have actually taken the time to ask a member of the minority what it is like be a student at this university? How many of us have asked these students what would create an atmosphere that fosters invitation and acceptance? If we had asked these questions, perhaps they wouldn’t need to demand our attention. Take the time to listen.

The scars will remain on Deantrious for a lifetime. These are the same scars that currently resemble the ugly, intolerant face of Iowa State University. It is up to each individual student, staff, faculty, and administrative member of our community to take responsibility for healing the sick attitudes of apathy and wounded dignity so that we might share in the opportunity for a university atmosphere that promotes mutual respect and appreciation.

Hatred will not be tolerated. The ignorance must end.

Andrew Krzmarzick

Senior in philosophy

Bryce Freeman

Senior in chemical engineering