SUB wants ISU students aware of programming

Amanda Knief

The Student Union Board has begun work to inform Iowa State students about the functions and purposes of the board.

During Monday night’s meeting board member Jessie Smith, director for Varieties, proposed polling the student body to find out what students know about SUB.

“I think it’s important to find out who we are reaching right now, who our audience is,” Smith said.

“If we are reaching the same people, we are not doing our job. I want people to know who we are and what we do,” she said.

Advertising director Amanda Carstens, a freshman, will present a model survey on student awareness of SUB at next week’s meeting.

The board will then vote to distribute the survey.

SUB would like to put a survey in every residence hall mailbox and distribute one to every sorority and fraternity.

“Hopefully this will tell us what audience we haven’t reached, and then we can increase awareness,” Carstens said.

“I think students know about our programs — they know about the M-shop, but they don’t know that it is connected to SUB,” she said.

Smith said SUB works with several organizations.

“We try to be inclusive in our programming, we have something for everyone,” Smith said.

Though SUB uses Daily ads, flyers, posters and table tents to reach students, board members don’t think that is enough.

“We are happy with the attendance to our programs, but in no way are going to say stop here. I would like to see campus awareness and attendance increase,” she said.

Smith said SUB’s job is to provide quality programming for the university.

In Other News

*Four panels of the AIDS quilt will be on display in the Memorial Union Dec. 1-6 for AIDS Awareness Week.

Each panel has 8 sections, and each section represents one person. Board member Denise Swanson, a senior in art and design, is in charge of bringing the panels to Iowa State.

*The Browsing Library will be opened to the public later this week.