Racial beating?
October 30, 1996
First of all, please know I came to college to learn. In other words, I don’t know it all, and I have many questions.
My biggest question of the very moment is, why was an attack of security officer labeled “racial?” From what I read, he approached a group of men (I use that term very loosely) after noticing they had alcohol and asked for ID. They then beat and cut him. I am very mad about this alone. Our security force was attacked and hurt without provocation, while doing his job, that job being to keep us safe. If this group would do this to our security officer, what are they going to do to the person on the street?
I’m not quite sure if it mattered to some, possibly drunk “men,” if Deantrious Mitchell was black. Would they have beat, cut (stabbed), or even worse, raped a female officer, calling her derogatory terms (black or white)? Or would it have mattered to these “men” if the officer had been white? Is there really, anyone who doubts that the same would have happened to him? (I’m sure they would have found some slurs for him.) Would there still be this much interest from the university? By the GSB? By the BSA? I don’t think you would see it in the paper, on the front page like this incident.
I am very sorry to Deantrious Mitchell for the assault on him, and I send him all my sympathies. A human should not be treated like that! I hope he doesn’t quit as a student security officer. We all appreciate his and all of these officers’ efforts to keep our campus safe.
Remember, our “police force” was attacked and hurt. It shouldn’t matter the race or sex of the victim. What should matter is there is a group of “men” out there that have no respect for authority!
Jillene Hamill-Wilson
zoology and pre-optometry