Defending the indefensible

Ryan Bischoff

Baseball is a game played by children and ruined by adults. In the Oct. 9 issue of the Daily, Cade Remsburg tried to defend the indefensible.

It is irresponsible writing like Remsburg’s that takes a bad situation and makes it worse. Although I agree the Roberto Alomar situation has been blown out of proportion, that is the only point that Remsburg got correct.

Alomar lost his temper after a bad call, he spit in Hirschbeck’s face and made comments about the death of the man’s son. There never has been and never will be a place on a baseball field for these actions.

Remsburg asked if Alomar was innocent until proven guilty. The incident has been seen by the whole country, even Alomar has admitted his guilt.

The most important thing that needs to be brought up is Remsburg only believes Hirschbeck made racial remarks. Racism is a very serious thing in our society, I cannot believe he would damage someone’s name and career by making such an allegation.

No one else in the media has said anything of the sort other than Mr. Remsburg; I will go out on a limb and guess that Remsburg didn’t have an exclusive interview with Alomar. This shows a total lack of responsibility for someone in the media.

If racism were involved it would have been brought out somewhere in the media before here at lowa State two weeks after the event.

Remsburg concludes by saying Alomar was defending his race; once again, no else including Alomar has said anything of racism.

Also Mr. Remsburg, Alomar wasn’t following the rules, he was arguing a ball/strike call which is an automatic ejection. Cade Remsburg showed everyone that he is truly the one with his head up his ass.

Ryan Bischoff


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