Jacobson tells it like it is

Emily Hildebrand

Richard Jacobson, CEO and founder of Jacobson Warehouse Company and Jacobson Transportation Company, Inc., of Des Moines, Iowa, will be sharing added insight with College of Business this week.

Jacobson was named executive-in-residence by the College of Business earlier this year and will be on campus Wednesday, Oct. 30, and Thursday, Oct. 31, to interact with students, faculty, staff and administrators.

Jacobson will give a speech in the Campanile Room of the Memorial Union titled “Tell it Like it Really Is” to kick off his two days in residence with the College of Business. According to Barbara Clark, executive coordinator for the College of Business, Jacobson will “…give a real view of the business world as he’s experienced it, from his perspective, and what has led to his success.”

In addition to the open forum Clark said Jacobson will contribute to a graduate-level business education class taught by professor of management Thomas Chacko and an undergraduate level managerial accounting taught by Ann Sergeant, an assistant professor of accounting. Jacobson will also contribute to a class on transportation and logistics issues taught by Richard Poist, professor of transportation and logistics.

Graduate and undergraduate students will also have the opportunity to speak with Jacobson in a more informal setting during office hours, Clark said.

The Executive-In-Residence program started in March of 1996. Clark said the College of Business hopes to have an Executive-In-Residence every semester. She said executives generally can’t be away from their positions for any longer than a couple of days.

Benjamin Allen, dean of the College of Business, has interacted with Jacobson previously through his background in transportation and logistics. Clark said Jacobson Warehouse Company and Jacobson Transportation Company, Inc. have made scholarships available to Iowa State students in the past.

A 1958 graduate of the University of Iowa, Jacobson is also linked to Iowa State through his executive vice-president, Craig Petermeier, a graduate of Iowa State’s College of Business, Clark said.

“The College of Business is very fortunate to have Dick Jacobson serve as its Executive-In-Residence this fall,” Allen said.

“Both students and faculty will gain from his vast experiences as a successful entrepreneur and businessman and also from his exemplary commitment to giving back to Iowa.”