A matter of equal rights

David Harmon

I don’t write you often but the 9/26/96 letter from Marsha Harmon, no relative, has my blood boiling.

Ms. Harmon, like the majority of the public, has failed to recognize that being homosexual is not a choice. Does she honestly believe one would choose to be harassed, assaulted, belittled, and disdained? Being gay was not my choice, it’s biological. To the point, Ms. Harmon argues this is a matter of recognition and Federal benefits. In part she is right. A few simple points, however, demonstrate the flaws in her thinking. If I died today, who should tend to my last wishes — my parents, or my partner? Should my parents be legally permitted to deny my partner even access to my funeral, much less survivor benefits?

Ms. Harmon, do you feel it was right for the U.S. Congress to bastardize all of the children who are part of a homosexual relationship?

Because you believe my lifestyle is as equally wrong as a child molester, thief, embezzler, child pornographer, or drug pusher, you think we should be denied rights and benefits.

Well, I am sorry to inform you all, that even convicts have civil rights! Where are mine? I served in the military honorably defending the U.S. Constitution, Ms. Harmon, and now you tell me I am a second-class citizen, equal to a child molester — how dare you, you simple-minded bigot.

You think because you’ve associated with lesbians that you understand the whole gay lifestyle — you are as sad as your letter portrays you to be.

No Ms. Harmon, it doesn’t rub off, but you and your type are really starting to rub me!!! Ms. Harmon writes that all we need is to be shown the love of God.

You acknowledge homosexuals attend and are married by some churches yet, we need the love of God. Well, Ms. Harmon, when God is finished at your church tell him there is a wedding ceremony I would like him to officiate over.

When will people realize this is not a matter of religion, it’s a matter of EQUAL RIGHTS. I saw a bumper sticker that sums it up, the Christian Right is Neither!

David Harmon

Graduate Student
