Putting on the costumes and letting off some steam

Carolyn Jones

It was a little spooky and definitely kooky. It was a Halloween celebration and thanks for a job well done. It was a showcase of creative spirit. It was Masquerade Bash 2.

Wednesday afternoon employees of the Memorial Union were treated with fun, prizes and entertainment at a Halloween party held in the M-Shop.

“Basically, it’s just a way to get together after a long year of renovations,” said Doug Wandersee, program adviser for the Student Union Board.

The pumpkin judging contest kicked off the afternoon’s festivities. About 15 jack-o-lanterns were entered into the competition by various departments in the Union. The pumpkins were judged in three categories: originality and creativity, illumination and artistic merit.

University Bookstore’s pumpkin included an etched scene that won the originality and creativity category.

Artistic merit went to the mechanical department. It defends the title from the last bash with its “Friday the 13th” style which included a blood-drizzling, knife-stabbed design served on a silver platter.

Illumination and the “best of show” award went to the Workspace for its cleverly and precisely carved replication of the Workspace logo.

Dan Lambert, a graduating senior and full-time employee in the housekeeping department, said about $500 in prizes were donated. Prizes included tickets to basketball games, food court coupons and even a one week door-side parking pass in the MU ramp. The majority of the prizes were given away as door prizes.

The afternoon activities were rowdier during the departmental costume/entertainment portion. The Alumni Association got a little crazy as headless employees were lead by a great pumpkin leader in freestyle dancing.

Human Resource Manager Karl Pannkuk took a dare from his wife to go to the event dressed as a nun.

“I’m not in it to win, just to have some fun,” he said.

The overall theme of the afternoon was good spirits. Hard working employees got the chance to eat some treats, wear costumes and enjoy their fellow co-workers.

Ev Cherrington, a vending department employee, said people put a lot of hard work into the festivities.

“It’s fantastic!” he said.