Political Visions

Daily Staff Writer

The Reform Party

* Limit Congressional terms to three terms in the House of Representative and two terms in the Senate

* Balance the budget by developing a detailed blueprint from which to work, pass the Balanced Budget Amendment, and create an annual financial report in plain language so the government is accountable to the American citizens

* Reform campaigns in America by holding elections on weekends to improve poll accessibility, replace the Electoral College process to a direct vote system, and require all members of Congress to raise all campaign funds within their electoral districts

The Libertarian Party

The Libertarian Party bases their politics on the moral principle of self-ownership. Individuals have the right to control their own body, actions, speech, and property. Government’s role is limited to helping individuals defend themselves from force and fraud.

* Substantially reduce the size and intrusiveness of the government and cut all taxes

* Let peaceful, honest people offer their goods and services to willing consumers without government interference

* Remove criminal penalties from basic life aspects such as eating, drinking, reading, smoking, or making love

* Federal government should defend Americans and their properties in the U.S. and cease to fund military or other aid to property outside of the U.S.

The Green Party

The Green vision centers on respect for nature and focuses on the interconnections between the world and its creatures.

* Eliminate the exploitation of nature and the exploitation of people

* Oppose all systems of poverty, injustice and discrimination based on class, citizenship, sex, race, age, or sexual orientation

* Remove political power from big business and big government and restore power and responsibility to local communities

* Oppose violence as a way of settling disputes and work toward a society in which war is obsolete

The Natural Law Party

Problems should be solved at their basis by bringing individual life and our national policies into greater harmony with natural law through forward-looking, prevention oriented programs.

* Find answers to economic and social problems in America’s greatest resource: the intelligence and creativity of our citizens

* Base government on what works, ending partisan politics and eliminating special interest control of government

* Support legislation intended to uphold the constitutional rights of minorities and increase minority participation in government to strengthen the government

* Propose health strategies centered on prevention, shifting our national focus from disease care to health care