Anderson focuses campaign on education

Christa Jensen

Educating the public is the focus of Republican John Anderson’s campaign for Story County auditor.

“I believe it is important to give the public every opportunity to participate in how their tax dollars are spent,” Anderson said. “It is just as critical for students to be concerned since they are paying property and sales taxes for Story county as well.”

The position of county auditor covers a wide base, said current county auditor Judy Emmons, the Democrat incumbent facing Anderson in the upcoming Nov. 5 election.

“Our office is responsible for paying all the county bills, processing the county payroll, maintaining the general ledger, maintaining voter registration files, administering all county elections, training workers for the precincts and acting as clerk for the Story County Board of Supervisors,” Emmons said.

If elected, Anderson plans to improve the technology within the auditor’s office. “Throughout my campaign, I have had an interactive web site,” Anderson said. “I would like to develop and maintain a web site for the county, complete with on-line voter registration.”

Anderson also plans to establish several new policies if elected as county auditor, such as travel and mileage policies and a policy requiring an open bidding process. Under his leadership, the county auditor’s office would prepare a list of prioritized goals, agendas and objectives, Anderson said.

Anderson said he feels Story county is composed of people who take great pride in children, schools and communities, and these people need an auditor who will watch out for excessive and unnecessary tax burdens on citizens.

“Story county has always been one of the strongest counties in Iowa,” Anderson said. He said it is important for professional people to be in elected offices in the county. As more and more mandates are handed down from the state, Anderson said professional people in office will enable some of the burden to be lifted off the Board of Supervisor’s shoulders.

Anderson is currently employed as the head of accounting for Pharmacy Associates. He previously worked on George Bush’s 1988 presidential campaign and served two years as the Story County Republican Chairperson. He also served on the Nevada City Council, was charter president of the Nevada Jaycees and was Nevada Alumni Association treasurer.

Anderson graduated from Nevada High School and received a degree in accounting and management from Ellsworth College. He and his wife Lisa live with their three children in Colo.

Anderson has a homepage which lists his views and ideas for the county auditor position. The address is