Dollars over debate?

Jeanne M. Higgs

At last I feel as if I must write…I have seen several persons in positions of influence within the university be criticized both publicly and not so publicly for taking a stand against the naming of Catt Hall.

Many people believe that this stand is counter-productive to the university or to the organization which the person represents. Some have even felt that these issues should be silenced in order for the university to earn another buck!!!!

I would just like to remind these people that freedom of speech is a right of which we in North America are all too proud of until it comes down to someone saying something unpopular, and then they’re supposed to shut up.

A university is supposed to be a place for the exchange of ideas! What’s more, I don’t think any employee here is expected to give up their rights as an individual in order to work here. The university is not some sacred shrine.

All the statements I have seen, or heard, so far have been made from a personal stance. I shudder to think that some consider a person’s livelihood to be more important than a person’s life.

I, for one, admire anyone who goes against the grain and states with conviction what they believe in, and I want to thank those in positions of authority for raising their voices.

I feel the example they’ve set is a good one whether you agree with their position or not.

Jeanne M. Higgs

