Kotite due for the NFL guillotine

Cade Remsburg

“And the heads will roll…”

The heads did indeed roll last Monday and the victims were head coaches David Shula of the Bengals and the Saints’ Jim Mora.

This will hopefully not be the end of the firings, as there are several other candidates lined up to get the boot, and way overdue on their firings.

The main problem general managers are going to face in the off-season is trying to find available candidates to fill these positions.

The ranks of college head coaches seem very wary to head to the professionals (unlike the players), and fans are so sick of the same old refried candidates that seem as if they have been around longer than Paul Bryant.

However, one coach is so overdue to get fired, the tips of his ears are already on fire.

That coach is quite possibly the worst NFL coach ever, and of course we all know that the coach is the Jets’ Rich Kotite.

What is up with this guy? Somehow, he escaped being fired last year, and now this year he has made the Jets more of a joke than Jim Walden made our beloved Cyclones.

Honestly, just watch Sportscenter on Sunday nights and you can see the sportscaster’s fangs dripping with saliva when it comes to mentioning the Jets. Talk about the easiest team to rip on!

The Jets are a lame duck team, with a lame duck coach and a huge payroll. Team owner Leon Hess went out and spent over $50 million on the biggest joke in the NFL.

The future can still be bright for this team (I can hear “O’Donell to Johnson” several times in the future), but first they have to get rid of Kotite.

Kotite was no good when he was exported from Philadelphia, and unfortunately for Jets’ fans (if there are any left) he just keeps getting worse.

Kotite is 3-28 in his last 31 games and is threatening to achieve many esteemed records including the worst record of all time for a head coach.

The Jets are 0-8, and already eliminated from playoff contention, and it is the perfect time to bring in a coach and retool the Jets’ system.

The Jets also have a good inside shot at going winless the rest of the season, and becoming the first team to ever go winless in NFL history, and they all have coach Rich Kotite to thank for this unprecedented feat.

I know that I don’t have all the solutions to the Jets’ problems, but I have an idea, and it is better than the idea team president Steve Gutman has in backing Kotite for the rest of the season.

Jim Mora is a quality coach who has always given integrity and honesty even in the Saints’ darkest hours. He seems to want to coach again, just not in New Orleans, where the pressure of the fans and a mediocre team did him in.

With a defense that finished in the top third of the league last year, the Jets could really use a defensive genius like Mora, who already led the Saints defense to notoriety in the early 90’s.

Mora can step right in, and help a young Jets team that is loaded with talent. This fit may just do both sides a lot of good.

Cade Remsburg is a senior in journalism from Ames.