Towers residents teaming up to help local elementary school

Abby Zirkle

Helping others is nothing new to students at Iowa State, but the Errington House in Wallace Hall has teamed up with members from the Minority Support Group to try their hand at volunteering.

The volunteers are sacrificing their Saturday mornings by going to Fellows Elementary School and making general repairs on the playground equipment. They will be looking for broken pieces of wood, sanding down rough edges and putting a sealer over the wood.

Doug Gruenewald, complex manager of resident life in Towers said, “No arm-twisting was needed to get people to volunteer, it was great.”

Last year Gruenewald was involved in a similar project that took approximately four to eight hours before completion and estimates this year’s project will be the same.

Matt Willimack, a social chair for seventh floor Storms said, “I think it sounds like a great idea what Errington House is doing. I feel more and more people in TRA should follow in their footsteps because they are setting a great example for other floors.”

Willimack said this may be just what Towers needs to make others aware of the many community service projects available.

Approximately 40 students have signed up to volunteer.

Beth Marrs, Fellows Elementary School PTA member said, “I was impressed by the response from the group because of their willingness to give up their time on a Saturday morning. The group also wanted to work with the children who use the playground, and I thought that was very commendable.”

The group is going to tackle the jobs this Saturday. Marrs would like to have as many people as possible to come and help.