ISU Ski Club junkies itching for the slopes

Daphne Myers

It’s that time of the year again.

The ski season has officially begun and the Iowa State Ski Club can provide many opportunities for all those anxious to hit the slopes.

The Ski Club has several trips in the works for this semester, as well as for the spring semester.

Ski Club President Scott Silverson said the short weekend trips, such as the ones coming up in late November and early December, are “a good way to get people acquainted with the sport.

“Weekend and day trips are a perfect opportunity to have a good time with a bunch of friends, and it is cheap,” he said.

Silverson said there’s no commitment. “It’s just one day of fun, and it’s a good way to try out skiing if you are new to the sport.”

Julie Buss, Aspen trip coordinator, said, “You don’t have to be an expert to go on the trips. We have had many beginners go, as well as the more advanced.”

Plans for the Aspen trip are well underway. However, Buss said it is not too late to join the club.

The Aspen, Colo., trip is planned for Jan. 5-11. It will be six nights, with four days of interchangeable lift tickets for surrounding ski areas.

The club plans to lodge at the Snowmass Condos in Aspen. With transportation the cost of the trip will be $399, and without transportation the fee is $299. These prices do not include food or ski rentals.

Buss said discounts on ski rentals and lessons are available to those members who pay dues with the Ski Club.

“Membership dues are $15 for the semester and $20 for the year. This money helps the group get discount rates at various resorts,” she said.

Buss said by paying dues, students can also get discounts at Michael’s Cyclery.

The interim adviser of the Ski Club is William Clark, campus organization auditor.

Clark became the adviser when the previous adviser, Joe Viles, suffered a hip injury, unrelated to skiing.

Viles helps with “budgetary control” and advises the students on interesting destinations to ski. Viles took the position of adviser for the Ski Club in the mid-70s.

He said the club was much bigger then and so was the budget. After being a member of the club himself, Viles was asked to be the adviser.

Faculty and staff, and people from the community are welcome to join the club as associate members.

The Ski Club meets several times each semester. The next meeting will be Sunday, Nov. 3, at 8:30 p.m. in the Gold Room of the Memorial Union. Their will be three speakers on ski safety.

The Ski Club will also be meeting on Nov. 17, Dec. 8 and Dec. 15 in the Gold Room of the Memorial Union at 8:30 p.m.