Hot Stances

Daily Staff Writer

Ross Perot & Pat Choate

Reform Party

Abortion: Supports a woman’s right to choose

Education: Emphasize school as a place for learning, not play, involve parents in each child’s education and put greater emphasis on teachers, not buildings

Crime: Proposes a 3 strikes your in prison for life with no chance for parole for violent crimes, no concessions for underage criminals

Ethics: Bringing moral standards back to government through campaign reform, lobbying restrictions and term limits

Leonard Boswell

Democrat for Senate

Abortion: Supports a woman’s right to choose

Education: Voted to fund education including better technology in our schools, tuition grants for college and safer schools

Environment: Helped to enact a “3 strikes you’re out” law for polluters, including large-scale hog factories

Farming: Enacted legislation prohibiting discrimination in prices paid to the seller in livestock to ensure all producers get fair prices for their product, supported the freedom to farm law