New name for stadium edging closer to reality

Leana Benson

A recommendation that may once and for all decide the renaming of Cyclone Stadium could be sent to the state Board of Regents after a Nov. 15 open forum.

The forum will be held at 4 p.m. in the Horticulture Hall auditorium, Room 118. It will allow for open discussion on the proposal to change the name of Cyclone Stadium/Jack Trice Field to Jack Trice Stadium.

ISU’s Committee for Naming Buildings and Streets will make a recommendation to give to President Martin Jischke sometime after the forum. If Jischke approves, he will send the proposal to the regents. The regents must give final approval to the name change.

Trice was the first black football player for ISU. He died due to injuries suffered during a game against Minnesota in 1923.

He is the only Cyclone athlete ever to have died from competition injuries.

A debate about the name of the stadium has continued since the stadium opened in September of 1975.

Cyclone Stadium was renamed Cyclone Stadium/Jack Trice Field in 1984.

Anderson said the student sentiment was for Jack Trice then and now. “I don’t know of any opposition to the naming of Jack Trice,” Anderson said. Many alumni are partial to the name Cyclone Stadium.

But Anderson said the issue should not be about the money alumni pump into the university.

Government of the Student Body President Adam Gold, who campaigned last spring to change the name, said there is a good deal of support among students for changing the name.

GSB passed a resolution earlier this year reaffirming Senate support for a new name.

With the recent upsurge of racial tension around campus, some hope naming the stadium after a black man will help promote diversity.

“I hope this will reduce some of the tension,” Gold said.

Anderson agreed. “Positive action always helps build a community,” he said.

Gold does not predict controversy.

“I don’t think there’s any question in anyone’s mind about who Jack Trice was,” he said.

The university is seeking input on the proposal through the World Wide Web at or send e-mail to [email protected]