Iowa’s not that sick

Christopher Legan

I agree environmental protection is an important issue, but I am not as sure that low per capita spending (Iowa being the lowest in the nation) is cause for alarm.

In the case of Iowa, we have neither dense population nor a large industrial component to warrant big spending programs, as some other states do.

Perhaps we are just lucky in that regard. Perhaps good planning for prevention is more important (and cheaper) than an expensive cure once a big problem arises. The states with large per capita spending are likely to be in the latter category.

So, I agree awareness is important, but I don’t agree with your conclusion that Iowans are incapable or unwilling to ‘medicate’ a sick environment.

The Heartland is still a great place to be — I’d wager per capita spending on Prozac and her cousins is also comparatively small (Floyd fans are chanting “We don’t need no medication…”)!

Christopher Legan

Graduate Student
