Spreading falsehoods

Loren Skog

To (Marsha) Harmon:

I do not know you, nor have we ever met, but I feel that I must correct you on the “example” you offered in your letter of Sept. 26, 1996.

In your letter you stated, “The Mormon religion believes in a man having more than one wife even now in many literal-believing members and temples in their religion.”

Where did you receive such information?

Yes, at one point in Church history a HANDFUL of men were commanded by God, thru the prophet, to take more than one wife.

However, these men HAD to be approved by the president of the Church, and their wife HAD to approve of it, (just as Sarah did of Hagar). Furthermore, the two households were just that. Two households.

Imagine, if you will, supporting two (or more), separate homes with families, not to mention any land or livestock. Not an easy task, but these men went into it with a virtuous heart and pure intent, despite whatever oppression they encountered from the world.

This practice continued (in the way it had been planned) after the Saints were thrown out of Nauvoo, Illinois in February of 1846.

HOWEVER, in order to correct your misled belief that it is practiced today, I must point out that after bigamy was outlawed, we HELD FIRM to all of the foundations of our Church beliefs and OBEYED the law.

If I may quote this tenet, “We believe in being subject to king, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring and sustaining the law; the 12th Article of Faith.” Anyone found today by the Church to be practicing polygamy is excommunicated. Period. Your attempt to further spread these falsehoods, and attempting to add to them by claiming the federal government is involved can only be attributed to unknowing hatred. As one Christian to another, is that how we should act?

We also hold homosexuality to be morally wrong before God. Your allusion that we would “marry” them, is nothing more than a blatant lie.

We have never, nor will we, sanction or encourage such a lifestyle among our brothers and sisters, both in and out of the church.

If you, or anyone else, wish to know more about what the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints believes, please feel free to contact me.

Loren Skog

