Hot Stances
October 30, 1996
Daily Staff Writer
Jim Hennager, Reform Party
Iowa Rep. for the 63rd Dist.
Education: Wants to provide incentives to companies to locate near colleges and universities. For example, the companies would hire students to work part-time in their field rather than getting more loans.
Agriculture: Favors a Young Farmer Program that would make it easier for young families to farm and increase the number of farms in the state
Environment: Proposes recycling centers located near prisons so the prisoners could provide the labor
Teresa Garman, Republican
Iowa Rep. for the 63rd Dist.
Student loans: Favors low-interest loans to all students, opposes grants
Abortion: Opposes abortion as a form of birth control, approving of abortions only in cases where the mother’s life is threatened
Gambling: Wants Iowa to focus on the problems gambling is causing for Iowans