Discussing ‘Strategies for Change’

Emily Hildebrand

Change and how to deal with it, will be the topic of a forum held today at noon in the Maintenance Shop of the Memorial Union.

Derrick Rollins, diversity adviser to the president, Dean of Students Kathleen MacKay and Vice President for Business and Finance Warren Madden will be a few of the participants on the panel discussion titled “Catt, McHub … Strategies for Change at ISU.”

Members of the panel will give presentations explaining their particular roles at the university. They will tell students how they can effectively participate in changes on campus. Panelists will also detail campus offices and committees which provide solutions in conflicting situations involving students and student groups.

Following the presentations, there will be two rounds of questions asked by students representing student groups on campus, said Patricia Miller, coordinator of the lectures program.

Groups who will be represented at the discussion are Government of the Student Body, the Residence Hall Association, ISU Activists and the September 29th Movement. Audience members will be given a chance to ask questions following the student groups.

“Hopefully,” Miller said, “it will be a mutual sharing of ideas.”

Included in the audience will be various resource groups to help answer questions.

Other members of the panel will be Carol Bradley, director of governmental relations and Suzanne Hendrich, diversity steering committee member and faculty senator. The discussion will be moderated by Dave Houghton, department of public safety program coordinator.