What’s the charge?

Editorial Board

The skateboarders need a break. So let’s give the poor kids a break.

Recently, a couple of skaters were ticketed and taken to jail because they were caught skating behind the Campustown post office.

The charge was trespassing and the persons ticketed will have to appear in court.

Ames must be slightly behind the times or else it just likes to discriminate against skaters.

Skateboarding has been around for a long time and should not be considered a problem for the town.

Skateboarding is actually a sport in real places and these kids need a place to practice their sport. Just like any volleyball player, basketball player or runner would need a place to play or train.

These kids may not be qualifying for the Olympics, but they do need a place to hang out and skate.

Since there has been no alternative made for the skaters, businesses in Campustown should really complain to the city for some action to be made in solving this “problem.”

A couple of ramps installed at a local park or public area would be a cheap option where the skaters could be out of the businesses’ way and everyone would be happy.

This is not such a terribly difficult concept.

Also, if there was equipment for the skaters to use, there wouldn’t be the hassle of repeatedly telling the skaters to leave places they aren’t supposed to be, the post office for example.

Let’s allow the skaters to hang out in an environment where they are welcome so they can continue their hobby which keeps them from spending time committing more serious crimes than annoying people.