Join the team, Belisle

Fred Lloyd

Well, I would like to comment on Brandon Belisle’s column in the October 3 issue of the Daily.

I was hoping that Mr. Belisle’s article would be either funny or informative. Instead it was a pointless insult to all ISU football fans. Throughout his article, Mr. Belisle describes how sad the ISU fans are. He says that the fans at last week’s game were stupid and lacked originality. Perhaps this is true but they were THERE! They cared enough about our team to show up and show their support. Mr. Belisle has decided that we need to have more originality like other schools.

How does he suggest we do that? Get drunk! Hmm, that’s just brilliant.

Let’s get drunk and scream profanities and…. er, no, he DOESN’T want that, does he?

My point is this: Mr Belisle has decided that the Cyclone fans aren’t good enough. Hello? Coach McCarney said that he could hear the crowd through his headphones! The players said that it was the best crowd they had ever heard!

I wish that instead of looking around the stadium and watching us, Mr. Belisle would join in and support the team. Maybe then he would see what fan support is all about.

If he needs any pointers, tell him to find me. I’m the screaming fan, yelling at the opposing team.

Fred Lloyd

