Guest conductor hopes concert brings understanding

Erin Mcconeghey

The Oratorio Chorus will not be performing under the direction of their usual director at their concert Instead they will have a guest conductor.

For the past month, the choir has been working with Tseng Dau-Hsiong, from the National Taiwan Normal University in Taiwan.

Robert Molison, the Chorus’ usual director, said he will be leaving to direct a concert in Russia the day of the concert.

Molison said Dau-Hsiong “is a highly gifted and demanding conductor. We are lucky to have this association with the National Taiwan Normal University.”

Dau-Hsiong is at ISU as part of a faculty exchange between ISU and the National Taiwan Normal University, which are sister universities.

Dau-Hsiong was at ISU during the summer of 1995 when he was directing the National Taiwan Normal University Senior Women’s Choir on their American concert tour.

Dau-Hsiong is used to directing choruses made up of music majors. Now he has student soloists which Molison thinks is a “challenge for this choir because they come from many areas of study and are not all studying voice.”

Dau-Hsiong has picked out music with a variety of styles and languages. Dau-Hsiong said the choir will be singing in German, Italian, English and maybe even Mandarin and will be doing songs in the baroque style, romantic style and even some opera.

Dau-Hsiong said he hopes this experience helps “people understand each other’s culture and learn to respect each other.”

He said he hopes this new respect and understanding will help Taiwan, the United States and the world to be a more peaceful place.

Molison said he thinks this faculty exchange is a “great stimulation for both campuses.”

The concert will be held Sunday, Oct. 27 at 3 p.m. in the Recital hall of the Music Hall.

The Men’s Glee Club will also be performing under the direction of John Kelly.