National Coming Out Day

Daily Staff Writer

Thur., Oct. 10

Coming Out, Coming Together:

Let’s Talk About Queer Stuff

8:00 p.m. Sun Room, Memorial Union

Paul Wesselmann will speak to the queer, Ames and general ISUcommunity. The speech will include audience participation and may cover topics such as sex, marriage, the military, God and the Bible. Paul is the creator of the Stone Soup Seminars, workshops and speeches that challenge people to expect more out of life.

Fri., Oct. 11

Rally at the Campanile

12:00 noon South of the Campanile

Paul Wesselmann delivers the keynote speech as part of the hour-long rally. Come, hang out, spread the word.

Lesbian Gay Bisexual

Student Services Open House

1:00p.m. Conference Room , 210 Student Services

Check out the office, meet the new graduate assistant, browse the library, grab some snacks.

Let’s Dance

9:30 p.m. State Gym

Everyone is welcome to attend. $3.00 at the door, music until 1:00 a.m.