Friley residents blacked out by electrical woes last night

William Wentworth

Students living at Friley Hall found themselves in the dark last night from 5:30 to 8:45 when a residence hall transformer went out.

David Chase, residence assistant of Noble House, received a voice mail message early in the evening, letting him know that the north half of Friley Hall was without power.

“Basically at 5:30, I noticed my computer shut down and went out into the hallway. All my residences were coming out saying the power was out.

“I checked the breaker, nothing was wrong with my floor, and I assumed it was complexwide,” he said.

“I was told [by the hall director] to calm the residence down and that it could be as long as the next morning.”

Several students without power poured into food service to find that the power outage had reached one of the two dining facilities. The dining facility was forced to serve supper with paper plates and cups after clean trays and utensils ran out.

“I was out at marching band at the field when I came back and went down to eat, they were serving us on paper plates,” said Jason Slater, a junior in agronomy.

Some students were forced to remove their clothes from the laundry machines because of the blackout.

For others, the power outage disturbed studying.

“I was going pull some extra notes for my test tomorrow off the home sight,” Slater said. “It kinda effects my studying.”

Some students were forced out of their rooms and had to study in the hallway where the emergency lights enabled students to do homework.

The campus radio station, KURE-FM, was forced off the air when the power went out but returned at 9:08 p.m. after the power came back on.

“There was apparently no damage done to any equipment of KURE,” said Jay Wacker, communications director at the station.

A few students took advantage of the situation to celebrate by partying in the dimly lit hallway and the dark rooms.

One student hollered down a hallway:

“I’m not going to class tomorrow if the power’s out!”