All about freedom

Linda Smith

I have been very impressed with the openness displayed in the diversity of articles published in the Daily of late, however, I am concerned for those who are adult enough to have such views in the presence of close-minded bigots who for whatever the reason feel so threatened (and afraid) that they must act out or against people who have opinions that very from their own.

If the person responsible for the retribution felt against a journalist is so committed in their efforts to get a particular view across, let them be adult enough to write it down and stand behind their beliefs. Don’t keep it to yourself or as a scratching on a dorm door, bring it out to the public. If judgment is what you want, then let us all judge you as a community.

Recently in Saudi Arabia, 200 people were beheaded. One of them was a man who was killed for being gay; is that far enough? How extreme are those opposed to personal and private freedoms ready to go in our community to pass judgment on something they may not agree with.

Writing about a gay issue doesn’t make you gay any more than going to McDonald’s makes you a hamburger.

I will stand with a journalist, gay or straight to have the freedom to write about any subject she or he feels the need or has the assignment to write about, and so does the constitution of this nation.

This is about more than two lesbians trying to live and love in peace. This issue is about freedom, and until everybody understands that, NO ONE IS FREE.

Linda Smith


English / Native American Studies