Another nod for Clinton

Editorial Board

Bill Clinton should be reelected to the office of the President of the United States.

As an incumbent, Clinton should have the chance to follow through on policies set in motion by his administration.

His past activities have had a positive impact on education, student loans and the environment. He has also been tough on crime in America.

The younger candidate, Clinton is people-oriented and in touch with a diverse class of voters and non-voters.

Needs more time

It has been said that the first term of the presidency involves learning the job during the first two years and campaigning the fourth — leaving one good year to the president.

Reelecting Clinton will give four more “productive” years to the office, and it will allow him to set his ideas and policies into motion.

Clinton’s has been less involved in foreign affairs compared to other presidents, perhaps due to an absence of international activity or a lack of interest in his administration.

Clinton and First Lady Hillary make a good team. The have spent the time behind the White House walls networking with administrators and staff. If anyone in Washington knows the office of the president now, it’s Clinton by his own presence and experience.

The Clinton/Gore team

Reelecting Clinton means reelecting Vice President Al Gore.

Both men have shown the diverse ability to manage White House activities while continuing to stand by campaign issues, though not all promises have been kept.

The candidates also have the unusual cooperative ability to work on an equal plane.

Clinton relies on Gore’s opinion just as much a Gore relies on Clinton’s.

Nothing proved — yet

The scandals surrounding Clinton’s past and recent presidential activities are unclear.

While attending administrative matters, Clinton has fared relatively well under scrutinizing pressures.

As long as Clinton continues to follow the beliefs he deems to be true, and strives in areas where he is weak — international politics, scandals and being wishy-washy on issues — he is the best choice for president.