Ag Week 1996 hits ISU campus this week

Laura Baitinger

The College of Agriculture will celebrate Ag Week 1996 this week with a variety of activities to involve students.

Ag week highlights agriculture and brings those involved with it together to celebrate the industry, said Dan Belzer, president of agricultural student council and a senior in agricultural education.

“It is a social atmosphere to bring the College of Ag students together,” Belzer said.

Pauley Bradley, committee chairman for Ag Week ’96 and a senior in agronomy, said there is an increase in the activities planned for this year to get more people involved.

Ag Week ’96 is a form of unity for the college to build its spirit and have a great time, he said.

Ag week was moved up a week this year to separate it from Ag career day. Bradley said career day takes a lot of time for students in agriculture.

So the council hopes to get more student participation because they will not be involved with career day preparations.

Monday night mock interviews will take place for students to practice their interviewing skills and receive critiques from industry professionals.

Students will dress professionally and have their resumes reviewed. The event is sponsored by Alpha Zeta and the Agricultural Business Club. Preceding the interviews will be a presentation on “Interviewing Know How,” by Kim Heckert of Dow Elanco, beginning at 6 p.m. in Room 2050 of Agronomy Hall.

A new social activity, “Halloween Hex-Travaganza,” is planned for Monday night from 9 p.m.-midnight Anyone over 18 will be admitted to Hunky Dory’s Night Club, 300 S. 17 St., for a costume party sponsored by the Dairy Science Club with a $3 cover charge that includes free pop.

The first 50 people in costume will receive prizes and a grand prize winner will be selected.

Tuesday night 15 teams will participate in a volleyball tournament at the Lied Recreational/Athletic Facility sponsored by the National Agricultural Marketing Association.

Wednesday night an agriculture panel discussion will discuss “Risk Management in Production Agriculture.”

Dermot Hays, associate professor of economics, and Neil Harl, distinguished professor of economics, along with Craig Hill, a Warren County farmer, will discuss the effects of the 1996 Farm Bill on farmers and how they will manage their risk. The meeting will be held at the Great Hall of the Memorial Union beginning at 7:30 p.m.

ISU Collegiate Farm Bureau Club is sponsoring the event for the third year.

Thursday night Halloween Hayrides, complete with a bonfire, will take place at the Agriculture 450 Farm southwest of Ames. The rides will begin at 9 p.m. and leave throughout the night.

Midnight Madness will involve a spooky scavenger hunt for facts and figures around Central Campus Friday morning at midnight Students will be in teams of four with prizes for the winners.

Bradley requested that students planning to attend the hayride or scavenger hunt sign up in Room 23 of Curtiss Hall.