Gallery attracts a stunner

Kris Fettkether

You may not think you’re in Kansas, but you sure won’t think you’re at Iowa State either.

Gallery 181, on the main floor of the College of Design is presenting an installation crafted specifically for that space.

Artists Amy Landesburg and Lisa Quatrale, known collectively as “LIQUID Incorporated” traveled from Atlanta to make the creation they call “Stunning Attractions.” ISU Architecture Professor Jennifer Bloomer described it as “an artistic/architectural collaboration that produces objects, installations and architectural projects the aim of which is to occupy the space between the architectural object and the art object in such a way as to call into question our complacent understanding of each.

“By their insistent and self-conscious obsessing over materials and textures, their use of words as both material and as conceptual tool, and their wry assignment of gender to objects, they explore the great taboo subjects of contemporary architecture: the ornamental, the erotic and the pleasurable.”

Amy Landesberg has a Master of Architecture degree from Yale University and a Master of Visual Arts degree from Georgia State University. She has received two National Endowment for the Arts regional fellowships.

Lisa Quatrale’s recent professional experience includes Designer for the Community Design Center of Atlanta, Inc. among others. She has an undergraduate degree in architechture from Pennsylvania State University and a Master of Architecture degree from Yale University.

Recently, they have designed for the Summer Olympics and the Nexus Contemporary Art Center in Atlanta.

“It’s something you almost need to see to describe it,” Barbara Bruene, Director of Gallery 181 said. “What they have done is taken gallery space and filled it with objects and materials that create an environment.

“They’ve taken space, and with light, fabric and ribbon, created a sculpture that you can walk inside of.”

But the massive undertaking, which took four days to make, had additional help as well.

Artist Mark Rushing from Atlanta has contributed to the installation along with some ISU students.

Dustin Smith, a senior in art and design, and graduate students in architecture, Steve Kolliopoulos and Jack Vigneri-Beane have lent helping hands too.

The installation “Stunning Attractions” will remain in Gallery 181 until Oct. 25. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday hours are 2 to 4 p.m.