A better way to hurt each other

Editorial Board

It is a disgusting shame that the value of a woman’s body has been reduced to to the potential value of a $2 to $4 pill.

This drug, called Rohypnol, “date-rape” drug or roofies, is a drug that has been used to sedate women so the victim could be raped.

The drug can cause a total memory loss, paralysis and even death if mixed with other drugs. The number of incidents involving this drug is reported to be rising on campuses across the nation and is predicted to make its way to the Midwest and eventually Iowa State, if it isn’t here already.

It is a sad commentary when more and more means of force and oppression against women are being made by technology and imposed by our society which produces the drug, and our society which abuses the drug.

Rape is usually associated with force or coercion, but now with this drug, women are not even aware, or remember what happened.

Victims aren’t allowed a fighting chance with this drug. They aren’t permitted to have the opportunity to scream, or fight back or run away because this tasteless, odorless drug could be slipped into our drink at any time.

The only prevention is to buy your own drink or to only accept a drink from someone you can trust, especially if it is an open drink. And, of course, to respect women as you would any other human being.

Technology keeps humanity moving forward, and has benefitted us in innumerable ways.

Unfortunately, in cases such as this one, technology is abused so humans can inflict greater pain and torment on one another.