President Jischke again to host breakfast crowds

Amanda Fier

Members of the Iowa State community have an opportunity to dine with President Martin Jischke each month to share ideas and voice concerns about the goings-on at ISU.

Students, faculty and anyone else who wishes to meet with the president can bring a sack breakfast and have conversations with Jischke. Coffee will be provided throughout the hour-long open meetings.

The first breakfast with the president this year will be held this morning from 7:30 to 8:30 in the Gold Room of the Memorial Union.

John Anderson, interim director of university relations, said there are usually 10-25 people in attendance as well as members of the media.

Charles Dobbs, executive assistant to the president, said these meetings are held at various times and various places because “it can be hard to catch different folks at different times.”

The meal is held at lunchtime occasionally to accommodate for various schedules. In the past, the meal has been held in Agronomy Hall, the Durham Center and the Molecular Biology Building.

Dobbs said, “There is no agenda. It is an opportunity for the president to hear about the concerns and issues … about the university.”

“It’s an open discussion and people can ask anything they want. There is discussion of a wide variety of subjects,” Anderson said.

Dobbs stressed that “there are no filters. I believe the president does a remarkable job trying to meet with everyone who has reason to meet with him,” he said.

Anyone interested in eating a meal with the president is welcome. It would be appreciated, Dobbs said, if those interested would notify the Office of the President so Jischke knows how many people to expect.