Thanks for nothin’ Part 2

Donald Pratt and Steve Dickie

We would like to thank all the political activists on campus for saving us from the rampant commercialism and affront on our health by the recently proposed McHub scheme.

The decision against the McHub will allow us to enjoy our nutrition-laden Ho-ho’s, twinkies and Coke in peace.

This is particularly important for we poor college students who, free from the protective blanket of parental care, are incapable of making our own health decisions.

We are desperately in need of sheltering from commercialism during this delicate time of our professional development.

This protection will better allow us to face the corporate evils of the real world after our graduation.

Now that the McHub has been successfully squelched and we have shown the university that we do not wish to be educated about the corporate world, we can turn our attention to such less important issues as the quality of our education.

Donald Pratt

Graduate Student


Steve Dickie

Graduate Student
