RCA residents now hooked up to fix-it hot line

Drew Chebuhar

A new hot line for maintenance repairs is being used by students in the Richardson Court Association residence halls.

The fix-it hot line has been available for use since the beginning of the fall semester. In the past, residence hall staff members had to fill out written repair forms and take them to the complex office to be entered into a computer system which maintenance staff accessed for repairs.

With the new hot line the repair process is simpler, said Joan Spahn, Maple Hall director. “Now they (students) call the hot line. Someone takes down the information and enters it into the computer,” Spahn said.

A residence staff member generally takes the calls from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Voice mail is used when the staff member is busy and after hours.

The hot line is designed to help students deal with maintenance problems such as broken windows, windows that will not shut, light bulbs, leaky ceilings, heat problems, air conditioning problems and others, Spahn said.

Responses to the new service have been positive, said Pam Scandrett, RCA office coordinator. “We’ve put out information on the floors and the response has been great.”

The hot line service is only available in the RCA. The number for the fix-it hot line is 294-5070.