The countdown has begun

Editorial Board

There’s a presidential election this year, so go out and vote.

This is a statement we are going to hear many times before Nov. 5. It’s a statement many of us don’t act on because we simply don’t care.

But you’re going to hear it anyway because you should care. Apathy isn’t the answer, especially during a presidential election.

Since 1960, there has been a decrease in the number of young people who exercise their right to vote. In the 1992 presidential election, 66 percent of Iowans ages 18 to 24 voted. The gubernatorial election in 1994 had a mere 25 percent of Iowans 18 to 24 who voted.

Arthur Miller, director of the Iowa Social Science Institute, attributes these statistics to transitions period that many in this age group face: looking for a job, getting married or starting a family.

Although these are important stages, a person shouldn’t let these interfere with his or her right to vote.

For many Iowa State students, this election will be their first in which they will be eligible to vote. In many ways, this represents a rite of passage. This is nothing new for those of us who were eligible voters in the last election, but this time more of us should take advantage of being 18 or older.

It’s pathetic to see many young people being apathetic about important issues being discussed on the campaign trail each day. It’s especially sad for this to occur in a relatively wealthy nation, considering citizens of many developing countries still yearn for a people’s voice.

But is even more apathetic to say you don’t care because nothing you care about has become an issue.

Well, make it an issue. Our leaders are elected on the basis of what they think are important concerns in today’s society. If they aren’t talking about your concerns, make them. Get involved. Voice your opinion. Start your own campaign. But most importantly, go and vote in 49 days. The countdown is on.