Spendaholic Harkin

Letter to the Editor

Recently The Des Moines Register shed misplaced praise on Senator Tom Harkin’s election-year fight against government waste (Aug. 25, Aug. 11)

So I ask your readers:

Where was The Register in 1991 when Tom Harkin told NBC’s “Today” show he couldn’t think of a single domestic government program he would cut?

Where was the Register in 1992, ’93, ’94 and ’95 when the NAtional Taxpayer’s Union gave Senator Harkin an “F” on its annual report cards?

Where was The Register in 1994 when the Concord Coalition named Senator Harkin the #1 biggest spender in the entire U.S. Senate and (was) called a “spendaholic” by time magazine?

It is now 1996.

In a span of less than two years, Senator Tom Harkin has gone from waste-creator to waste-fighter.

We are left to wonder, where will The Register be from now until Election Day?

Michael Manley

