Weather won’t dampen spirit

Jennifer Young

The weather outlook for the next couple of days doesn’t include rain, but that’s no consolation to those Homecoming events the recent rain has already put a damper on.

The Homecoming barbecue which was to take place yesterday afternoon, was canceled because of the constant drizzle.

Chuck Schleusner, one of the general homecoming co-chairs, said, “It definitely takes away from our week of activities.

“It takes away from our plan of having an event every day,” Schleusner said.

Although the weather caused the cancellation of the barbecue, Schleusner said the pep rally, scheduled for 7 p.m. tonight will go on rain or shine.

“We can only hope for better weather,” Schleusner said. “No matter what, the pep rally should go over well.”

If the rain continues, a decision will be made today at 3 p.m. to find out if the pep rally will take place in the Lied Recreation/Athletic Facility or south of the Campanile as planned.

The Step Off is scheduled to begin tonight at 5:45 p.m. when the marching band leaves the Music Building and will end up at the Campanile at 6:45, just in time for the pep rally.

Schleusner said if it is still raining at 5 p.m. the band will not be able to play and they will go directly to the Rec Center.

According to Scott Lind, meteorologist for WHO-TV 13 in Des Moines, Ames received a little over an inch and a half of rain from the storm that began Wednesday afternoon.

As for today, Lind said, “It’s going to be cool and cloudy and the rain should end by afternoon.”

Lind said it should be dry on Saturday during the game with partly cloudy skies and a high of 58 degrees.

However not all events have been hampered by the weather. A Day in Campustown, which took place Wednesday was not as affected by the rain as one might think, Schleusner said.

KCCQ was broadcasting in Campustown, but had to go home early due to the weather.

“It went really well,” Schleusner said. The only problem with the event was the limited amount of Homecoming buttons available to people who wanted to take advantage of the special discounts in Campustown that day.

The Homecoming committee ordered 1,200 buttons, and because of the expanded button promotion this year, the buttons went fast.

Schleusner said next year they will probably order 3,000 buttons so more students can take advantage of the special discounts they receive when they wear one.

Another thing hampered by the weather is the lawn displays which are located at 11 different fraternities.

“It’s more difficult working on lawn displays when it’s raining,” Schleusner said. “A lot of the houses still have a ways to go.”

Schleusner said he expects all of the lawn displays to be finished by the deadline which is 7 a.m. this morning.

“We’d like to see them get done, and I’m sure they will,” he said. “We can only hope that they get done.”

Josh Hansen, president of Alpha Gamma Rho, said they have had to put extra coats of paint on posters and had to put tarps over some of the things they were building.

“We’re a little bit behind schedule, but we should have no problem getting everything done on time,” Hansen said. “The rain has made everything just a little more hectic.”

Hansen said most of the members of Alpha Gamma Rho, Delta Zeta, and Theta Xi would be working through the night just to finish the display.