Two ISU students victims of hit-and-run accident

Kristin Kernen

Two Iowa State students were victims of a hit-and-run accident over the extended Labor Day weekend.

The Ames Police Department responded to the accident on Sunday, Sept. 1, at 1:40 a.m. Brent Benkstein, 19, 325 Welch Ave., and Matthew Wolff, 23, 1400 Coconino Rd. were found at the 2700 block of Lincoln Way. Both men suffered injuries to the head and arms and were transported by ambulance to Mary Greeley Medical Center. They were released later that morning.

Matt Greving, also an Iowa State student, was a witness to the accident. “I was right there and jumped out of the way too,” he said.

He and a friend were on the sidewalk on the south side of Lincoln Way when they saw a group of eight people crossing the street.

The group stopped at the center line and allowed a car to pass, he said.

The car was described as an early-model maroon Chevrolet Beretta. As the Beretta passed, its passengers shouted to the group. Members of the group then yelled back and proceeded to cross the street after the car had passed.

According to the APD accident report and witnesses, the vehicle was traveling east in the inside lane of Lincoln Way when the driver stopped the car, shifted into reverse and then swerved towards a group of pedestrians.

“He floored it at us,” Benkstein said. “We tried to get out of the way, but I couldn’t move very quickly because I had sprained my ankle Wednesday.”

During the accident, one of the victim’s heads hit the back windshield of the car, causing it to shatter. The car then pulled into the Kwik Shop parking lot on Lincoln Way.

Greving said he ran after the car and was able to remember the license plate number. “I still have that number memorized,” he said. After he had seen the license, the passengers in the vehicle realized Greving had seen them. They left the scene of the accident and proceeded southbound on Sheldon Avenue.

Police were able to locate the driver of the Beretta later in the morning. William Schumann, 26, 317 Apple, was cited and released on hit-and-run charges on Sunday, Sept. 1, at 9:40 a.m.

Schumann was unavailable for comment at press time.