Lighten up with laughs

Sara Stewart

Now that classes are in full swing, students could use some lightening up. Comedian Willie Farrell might just have the remedy for Cyclones this Friday and Saturday night at Johnny Orr’s Comedy Court.

Farrell, a Des Moines native, has been a professional comedian for over 12 years. He is known for his spontaneous comedy act which involves making people in the audience part of his show.

“If you are a heckler, beware,” Farrell said. “I could end up making fun of you the whole night.”

“But, I don’t usually pick on people unless they deserve it. I’m not mean spirited,” he added.

Although Farrell got his start in the Des Moines area at places such as the Ingersoll Dinner Theater and The Funny Bone, he is no stranger to the Ames comedy scene. He has performed for ISU administration dinners, an ISU Booster Club gathering and he appears regularly at Johnny Orr’s.

“I’m genuinely interested in the people in Ames since I’m from the area myself,” he said.

Farrell said he caters to the 18-and-above crowd and encourages people to come out and see him if they need a laugh. The shows start Friday and Saturday at 9 p.m. For reservations or more information, call Johnny Orr’s at 233-0244.