It’s time to stand up for America

Chad Calek

Oh yeah! I think we all know what time it is. Can you say Cyclone football season? I think you all can.

Before we move on to the future of this year’s football season, let’s take a blast into the past at a few columns I wrote last season.

There was one favor that I asked of the student body that was never fulfilled. Not to say that at certain times there weren’t those who tried to make that my dream come true.

To those of you who are new to my columns, things will be a little clearer later. To those who are familiar with my weekly writing, you know what I’m talking about.

I was simply asking every Cyclone fan in attendance to, win or lose, tear down those damn goal posts to celebrate the spirit of competition in honor of ISU football. I mean, does ISU ever really lose?

I myself would have led the charge, but I am constricted to duty in the press box next to the head of the Department of Public Safety (DPS). Much like a pig floundering in a sea of crap, I can never leave my domain.

So I looked to you, the student body, to achieve this weekly accolade.

But the prejudice of others (DPS) conspired against us. Now before you get upset, one must realize the DPS is not the real enemy. They have a job, and they did their job. Much like Barney Fife, they are what makes the challenge interesting.

If you think this whole game I’m playing isn’t worth your time, think about this.

A big concern about tearing down the goal post is financial. Why? Because it would cost money to replace them.

Money then would be spent, injecting a weekly boost to the economy.

The economy gets better and the homeless are built homes.

Those homeless become productive members of society and in return give back to the community. The community grows, sparking an increased amount of patriotism. America is stronger!

And still they think we’re all crazy college kids.

But aren’t kids the future? And if we are the future of America, then aren’t we the core of America?

Maybe you can sit there and let them bad-mouth the core of America, but I can’t bear to go through it all again! (Did you buy all that?)

But we were defeated last season, and I take the blame. I was asking too much. You tore the post down against Ohio University and I salute you.

So now I just ask for a combined effort on certain games, win or lose.

If I don’t see the goal post visiting Ms. LaVerne against Wyoming, UNI, Nebraska and Texas A&M, I will be crushed.

Much like when Darth Vader slew Obi-Wan, I will slash out at the world.

So have fun at the game, and remember, I’ll be watching from the press box.

Make America proud.

We’ll talk later.

Chad Calek is a junior in journalism. He is the assistant sports editor of the Daily.