ISU to laugh again

Amy Siverson

Comedy may seem dead and buried here at Iowa State. With the loss of most cast members of Mighty Monkey Power Hour to graduation, many will tearfully have to say yes.

But according to Becky Witt, a junior in psychology, “Sketch comedy at ISU is about to be reborn.”

Witt, along with Mark Leiknes, a senior in graphic design, and Josh Bryner, a junior in theater studies, will be holding auditions to find a cast of creative, funny people who want to perform. Witt, Leiknes, and Bryner are all former cast members of Mighty Monkey.

For those unfamiliar with Mighty Monkey, the ISU comedy troupe featured “Saturday Night Live”-like performances with a splash of uncensored humor and insanity.

But the new show will not follow in the steps of Mighty Monkey. The soon-to-be troupe will perform original material. “But don’t be too surprised if a few of the former cast members or characters show up on stage, “Witt said.

Auditions will be held at the Maintenance Shop Wednesday, Sept. 18 at 8p.m. “It will be an informal, fun audition,” Witt said. “People will be have to be creative and be able to have a really good time.”

Witt and the others have new ideas for the show’s format and other components to liven up the show. Witt said students should be prepared to see super heroes, hear music between skits and “experience good old uncensored college humor.”

As for the new name for the show, Witt said, “There’s been a few ideas tossed around, but I guess it will all depend on what kind of cast we have after Wednesday.”

Not only will the new show provide a different form of entertainment on campus, it will also provide “alternative” things for students to do legally.

Performers will experience a variety of people in the audiences they meet.

Witt and the others are looking for anybody with the ability to make others laugh.

“We’re a bunch of bad mother f- -kers ready to give the students of this university a reason to put down their picket signs (but keep up the cause!) and come together to laugh,” Witt said.

Bring jokes, impressions or anything else that’s strange to the the M-Shop Wednesday and give the life back to comedy.