Lap-dance ban to soon be law?

Daily Staff Writer

The Ames City Council will meet again to discuss and likely pass the third and final phase of a new lap-dancing ordinance tonight. The new ordinance will prohibit entirely nude dancers from coming into physical contact with members of the audience.

Also to be discussed is the first part of a new ordinance for billboard regulations within the city of Ames.

Details of the billboard ordinance include not allowing more to be built inside the city — only on the outskirts of town — possibly re-sizing the current in-town billboards from the standard 300-square feet to 200-square feet.

A Conference Board meeting will be held first at 6:30 p.m. with the regular city council meeting immediately following.

The meetings will be held in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 515 Clark Avenue. The public is invited to attend.