Search group named for relations post

Amanda Fier

The search committee for director of university relations at Iowa State is now seeking nominations for the position.

David Holger, professor of engineering, is the chairperson for the committee responsible for filling the position.

“The position is an interface between the university and the news media as well as internal constituencies. It is a very important position to the university,” Holger said.

According to a news release, responsibilities of the director include overseeing work done by news service, internal communications and photo service. The director is also the spokesperson for the university.

Holger said the director also “makes sure accurate information is communicated internally and externally.”

“We’re clearly seeking as diverse of a pool of candidates as we can,” he said.

Holger said the committee’s deadlines for the applications and nominations are directly related to the deadlines of the various publications running an ad for the position.

The ad also states applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

John Anderson is currently serving as the interim university relations director and has been holding the position for a little over two years.

Nominations and applications for the position should be sent to: David Holger, University Relations Director Search Committee, Vice President for External Affairs Office, 209 Beardshear Hall, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, 50011. Members of the search committee are also accepting nominations directly.

Search for new registrar

Another position needing a permanent officer is that of the registrar. Herman Richtsmeier, the associate registrar, has been the interim registrar since the end of June.

Richtsmeier said many jobs are completed by the registrar’s office, which includes the actual work of the registrar and the jobs completed by the office.

“We wear a lot of hats,” Richtsmeier said.

Some of the “hats” he listed include the assembly of the college catalog, providing transcripts, the scheduling and structuring of the commencement ceremonies, enrollment reports, the compilation of statistics for national surveys and the university, and the athlete certification with Big 12 and NCAA regulations.

Richtsmeier said the office and the registrar are responsible for making all these things happen.

He said in addition to those jobs they are always “looking at ways to improve services for the students.”

On Thursday the campus community can familiarize itself with the candidate for this position, Wade Robinson.

The open forum will be held at 2:45 p.m. in the Memorial Union Oak Room.

Robinson is presently employed by the University of Nebraska as director of academic records and registration.