Don’t be a sissy

To The Editor:

First, let me say thank you for the WWW edition of the Daily.

For us ex-pats (i.e., alums outside Iowa), the WWW edition is great. It lets me keep up-to-date on important news, like whether the Hub will have a McDonald’s.

Although I usually have a smile after reading the Daily, yesterday’s edition left me shocked and horrified.

I was in the ISUCF’V’MB for 2 years and had lots of fun.

Everyone in the band works very hard during football season. We were always extremely proud that we were a MARCHING band, not a glide stepping band.

That was always one of the things that made us distinct from the other, more mediocre bands (like the Hawks).

Yes, the new director is correct that the glide step is the more modern form, but that doesn’t make it right.

The “glide step” is for sissies. I am now over my initial sense of revulsion and, upon reflection, must say that I have no doubts that the ISUCF’V’MB will continue to be the best in the Big 12 (since we were always the best in the Big 8).

Oh yeah, one more thing. Chad Calek is great, but it would be nice if he dumped on the Hawkeyes a little more often.

Steve Borgman

Houston, Texas

Alum, class of ’83