Mighty good grub

Kenneth L. Larson

On Saturday morning prior to the ISU-UNI football game, Kappa Alpha Theta sponsored their first annual Red Hot Chili Cook-Off.

Nine contestants entered their favorite recipe. Following judging, the general public could pay $4 for all-you-can-eat chili, with cheese, crackers, corn bread, and coffee. What a deal!

The significant fact is that the proceeds were donated by Kappa Alpha Theta to CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates), a nation-wide organization committed to help abused children in giving a “voice in court.”

There is a CASA office in Des Moines.

The women in Kappa Alpha Theta are to be commended for their philanthropic efforts in sponsoring competition for area cooks, making all-you-can-eat chili available to the general public, and donating the proceeds to a worthwhile charity.

As one who enjoyed the chili, I feel fortunate in learning of the effort and hope that others will have an opportunity to enjoy the second annual chili cook-off in 1997.

This activity should not go unnoticed at ISU, and I suggest a feature story in the Iowa State Daily would be appropriate and newsworthy.

Many of the recipes were outstanding — maybe the Daily might initiate a Foods Section in several issues throughout the year by featuring student cooks.

We have a lot of them at ISU!

Kenneth L. Larson

Professor Emeritus

Iowa State University