Mishaps and spats bring laughs in ‘Lend Me a Tenor’

Ben Jones

ACTORS, the Ames Community Theater, will kick off its 41st season with Lend Me A Tenor.

Marty Ellenberger plays the role of Tito Merelli, a world famous tenor. Merelli is supposed to sing at “what should be the biggest night in history for the Cleveland Grand Opera Company.”

However, a number of hilarious mishaps occur along the way that interfere with his big night.

The mishaps include the marital spats of Merelli and his wife, played by Stacy Brothers.

Brothers said that the couple have “a very volatile relationship” that will show throughout the play. Another one of the mishaps is the apparent death of Merelli before the performance.

“Everyone believes Merelli is dead and they do their best to put on the show anyway,” Brothers said.

As part of this elaborate hoax, the crew throws a Merelli impostor (Jason Emess) onto the stage.

Other distractions are provided by Mr. Saunders (Mike Miller), the director of the Cleveland Grand Opera, and Maggie (Cathy Ellenberger), a fan who has a crush on Tito.

Ellenberger said his role as Merelli “was very challenging because I personally do not sing and I have to play the world’s greatest tenor.”

In addition to his lack of singing ability he also had to learn to talk with an Italian accent.

“The Italian accent is very fun. It wasn’t too much trouble to learn,” he said. “I just tried to imitate Father Guido Sarguchi from ‘Saturday Night Live’.”

Students are encouraged to come out and see the play for some good humor.

“The play is hilarious. There is a degree of adult humor, but it isn’t vulgar,” Brothers explained. “The audience should be entertained and humored.” Ellenberger said, “The play is just fun. There is no biting social commentary to focus on. You can just turn your brain off and have some fun.”

The “all ages” comedy will be showing Sept. 27 and 28 at 8 p.m., Oct. 4, 5, 11 and 12 at 8 p.m. and Oct. 6 at 2 p.m.

Ticket prices are $10 for the general public and $9 for senior citizens and students with a picture identification.

They are available through the Ames Community Theater at 120 Abraham (292-2073) or John Hubier Clothier at 404 Main Street (233-4948).

Tickets may be charged by phone or personally purchased up to an hour before the day’s performance.