Panel to address race relations on campus

Kris Fettkether

Iowa State Campus has had trouble, some would say, becoming a melting pot. In fact, in the past accusations of racism and separatism abounded. In an effort to reduce tensions and increase understanding, the YWCA will sponsor a panel discussion today called “Cross Cultural Relations.”

Members of the Minority Student Affairs Office will lead a discussion concerning the issues affecting race relations on the ISU campus. The discussion hopes to provide an outlet for sharing concerns and solutions.

“The panel discussion will be headed by Frank Bell and Susana Rundquist, program assistants for the Minority Student Affairs office,” executive director of the YWCA Judy Dolphin said. “They will share with the campus community ideas about restructuring campus relations.”

Dolphin said the panel and audience will listen to questions and provide possible ideas for improvement by people from different cultures and races within the campus setting.

The goals of the Minority Student Affairs include advocacy for ethnic minority students and provision of programming and academic support throughout the university.

The office of Minority Student Affairs has developed a broad range of services and programs designed to offer ethnic-minority students experiences out-of-class. Today’s panel discussion is from noon to 1 p.m. in room 236 of the Memorial Union. The discussion is free and open to the public. For more information call the YWCA at 294-1663.