Out of closet into hearts


Daily Staff Writer

After ten years doing stand up as a straight comedian, Jason Stuart came out of the closet to an intimate crowd of a few million strangers. He did it on the “Geraldo” show.

“It was really scary,” Stuart said. “I thought I was giving up my dreams.”

But, to the contrary, his dreams were realized. Since publicly coming out, he is more popular and his club bookings are stronger than ever.

Besides stand-up, Stuart can also add mainstream acting roles to his resume. He recently completed shooting Vegas Vacation with Chevy Chase and feels the bite of the acting bug. Stuart said acting is something he’d like to pursue full time.

“I love being on the set,” he said. “I would love doing more acting— it is less demanding.”

But, life isn’t all laughts for Stuart. His new found fame outside the closet has also brought out his detractors. When performing in Kansas City, he was picketed by the Moral Majority, but, “The shows sold out all week. And, on the first night I received applause for five minutes before I even spoke. Not to mention a standing ovation at the end of the show,” he said.

Even in smaller, more conservative markets audiences have been supportive of Stuart. “I did a radio show this morning and there was tons of support,” he said.

Stuart’s comedy routine isn’t as one demensional as some might think, though. Instead, he has a unique concept.

“It’s gay comedy for the whole family,” he said. His comedy continues to cross the sexual preference threshold, though. “Straight people come to see it because they’re curious,” Stuart said. “Let’s face it, funny is funny.”

Audiences get the chance to hear Stuart talk about his real life experiences as a gay man in America.

“People want to hear the truth. There is nothing funnier than the truth,” Stuart said. “As long as your mind is open , you’ll have a good time. It’s not for gay people, it’s not for straight people. It’s not for black, it’s not for white. It’s for everyone.”

And, no stranger to the road, Stuart enjoys bringing his unique style of comedy to the heartland. “I’m looking forward to Des Moines,” he said, “I love going to new cities, its different and exciting.”

Jason Stuart will be performing at the Funny Bone in Des Moines starting tonight and continuing through Sept. 29. Tickets are available at the door or can be pre-paid with a reservation. Call the Funny Bone at 270-2100 for more information.