Suggestions for Terrace Room

Editorial Board

What to do with Friley’s Terrace Room? Judging from the article that appeared in Thursday’s Daily, residents of Friley are not content to let the room remain simply an empty vending room.

So how should the university go about turning the Terrace Room into a friendly, usable place for students and staff?

We’re not exactly sure, but we do know what the university should not do:

1. Under no circumstances should the Terrace Room be remodeled and named the Carrie Chapman Catt Memorial Lounge. They’d just be asking for trouble.

2. Do not put a McDonald’s in the Terrace Room.

3. It should not serve as the sight for a new Food Court.

4. There’s probably no need for a Theatre 106 help room.

5. No topless dancing.

6. The Jim Walden Fan Club Headquarters and Women’s Outreach Program is probably out of the question.

In all seriousness, the university should make an attempt to make this space available to residents of Friley in a manner that will best serve their needs.

Suggestions such as a den-like, relaxed meeting place, a study area and coffee shop for students and friends to hang out are all pretty good suggestions.

A lack of places for students to interact socially with one another has been a major complaint of many ISUstudents for quite some time,so perhaps converting the Terrace Room into a more hospitable, welcoming environment would be at least a start in addressing this issue.

But by all means, do not let this space go to waste and slowly deteriorate until the only answer is to drastically remodel. We all know where that will lead.