Successful sorority rush sees increase in numbers

Suzanne Fowler

This year 50 more women participated in Rush than in 1995. Iowa State sororities took part in Rush during the week before school began.

“It was very successful compared to last year,” said Robin Shaffer Lillenthal, the Greek Affairs Coordinator for ISU. During the week 329 women participated in formal Rush, which was sponsored by the Panhellenic Council.

The rushees, as they are nicknamed, were placed in groups of approximately 10 people. These groups were under the care of two Rho Chis (rush counselors). The rush counselors were available 24 hours a day to answer any questions that the rushees had. The Rho Chis also guided the women to each of the 15 houses.

The week began with an open house in which all of the rushees visited each of the 15 sorority houses. Each of the visits lasted around 20 minutes.

Ten Party Day was the second day of formal Rush. The rushees chose 10 of the 15 houses they wanted to revisit. On that day the rushees were given house tours of those 10 houses. The parties on that day lasted 40 minutes long.

The third day of Rush was Five Party Day. On this day the rushees visited five houses for parties of about 45 minutes.

The final night of Rush was Preference Night. That night the rushees visited two houses. The Preference Night parties lasted 60 minutes long.

On Bid Day, all of the rushees were introduced to their new sisters at a rally held on central campus. Hugging, smiling and pictures were a prevalent sight. The rest of the day was spent letting the rushees get to know their new sisters.

Although formal Rush is now over, a structured informal rush is now taking place. All questions about informal Rush can be directed to the Rush hot line at 294-6540.