Backfield brothers on ESPN

Christopher Clair

The phenomenon of the Davis brothers is going national.

With the upcoming intrastate rivalry between Iowa State University and the University of Iowa colliding on the gridiron tomorrow, ESPN will bring the battle to audiences nationwide with their broadcast of the game.

To help promote the game, a feature will be running on College Football Game Day, a preview show on ESPN, about Cyclone running backs Troy and Darren Davis.

“We have a really unique situation here at ISU with the two brothers playing together,” said ISU head coach Dan McCarney.

“We have one great player who has already established himself in Troy and another with a bright future in Darren.”

The Davises were the focus of the feature, speaking with the correspondents in the brand new Jacobson building.

The feature not only brings attention to the two individuals that are being featured, but also to the school itself.

“This is great exposure for ISU,” McCarney said. “Our school will be brought into the homes of millions through ESPN.”

With the filming taking place in the Jacobson building, the new facility will also receive a long look from the nationwide audience, McCarney noted.

In addition to Troy and Darren, the perspectives of McCarney and cornerback Kevin Hudson were included in the feature.

Hudson has known both Troy and Darren since he was in sixth grade.

This is the second time in the past two years that Game Day has done a feature on the ISU program. Last year, ESPN visited the campus to do a profile of Troy.

The show will air Saturday morning at 10:30. The game will kick off at 2:35 p.m. and will also be aired on ESPN.