You call this progress, Mr. Gold?
September 18, 1996
First of all, Mr. Madsen (author of the Sept. 16 Daily’s letter to the editor “Thanks for nothing”), get a clue. Your attitude stinks almost as much as McDonald’s, or was that a sewage plant?
We students should not have to lose our culture and traditions for convenience. When art, ethics, and common sense take a back door to trendiness or technology we lose out.
That isn’t progress Mr. Madsen, it’s just sad.
Next I personally challenge Adam Gold to put his money where his mouth is. You’ll excuse me for asking an important question, but where the hell is your proof on any of the “facts” presented in your letter?!
Sharp readers will notice that all of Ms. Wilson’s articles were documented. She even caught one of her mistakes and clarified it. All of her opinions on the matter were based on fact.
Her personal “agendas” do not change these facts. All of her opinions were based on documented, concrete evidence. Law students have a tendency to use such evidence.
(Gold’s) opinion, however, was based on the sum total of, “If Ms. Wilson feels my information is incorrect, I am sorry, but facts are facts.”
You gave NO FACTS!
All you did to justify your position was to say, “I’m right and you’re wrong. Nyah Nyah NYAH!!!” Not a direct quote, but close enough.
Should all of your OPINIONS be believed? What have you to back these statements other than to say you are GSB president? I have seen the GSB presidents since ’92. I would almost believe Saddam Hussein before I would believe one.
As to the comment that Director Mertens was only doing what students wanted, I ask this: Was there any survey taken to which the majority of students checked yes to “Sell out a beautiful university building to any and all multinational corporations?”
The Hub was not taken by McDonald’s for economic reasons. Two within 500 yards kill each other off, and neither becomes probable. Not because she listened to students.
What Ms. Wilson referred to in her articles was the state-of-the-art Union. One which all the seniors that graduated and gave money to I know immediately wanted their money back.
It seems they were under the impression that it would stay much the same, with a few newer things added and the rest cleaned up. This present one is a mockery of what the Commons used to be.
Once it was a place to hang out, play games, meet people between class, relax, and get some atmosphere in one of the many side rooms.
Now it is a rush, eat and leave, with no character area. What is progress when you lose the point of an area?
The Memorial Union is a place to remember (Memorial). You remember the dead when you enter through the hall. You remember that and more in the chapel. Remember what they almost did to the chapel?
It is a place to unite (Union). A place to take a break from classes and be with friends.
Until Director Mertens starts to keep this in mind and not a place for a strip mall she will continue to be doing a bad job. She should be criticized as such.
Quit defending those who don’t deserve it.
Funny how you seem to have an opinion when an administrator comes under fire, but you don’t seem to have one on matters you should.
I hope I have made my opinion extremely clear.
Jose’ Perez
Fine Arts: DPP